Cogent Column Filters from MicroSolv Technology Corporation Chromatography Today

2022-07-16 00:13:57 By :

Why Do Children Dislike Cauliflower and Broccoli? Chromatography Explores

Protect and extend the life of your expensive HPLC Columns with the economical, MicroSolv™, Cogent Column Filters™.

These filters safeguard your columns from damage caused by undissolved sample and mobile phase particles and shredded pump seals. These easy-to-use filters are an essential piece of protecting your analytical and guard Columns up to 4,500 psi and are available in 0.5um and 2um pore sizes.

The filter’s hand-tightened, universal connection threads fit all HPLC columns and pilot lengths and are easily removed and replaced when system pressure starts to rise.  Bring the column pressure to an atmospheric level, remove the “used” filter, and simply replace with a new one. The instrument operator can now be assured that no particulates can damage their HPLC column and interfere with their chromatography. 

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