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Accordingly, in January Interpipe’s crude steel output increased by 96.8 percent year on year and decreased by 0.9 percent month on month to 93,000 mt, while its sales of crude steel increased by 27.0 percent year on year and decreased by 41.6 percent month on month to 4,300 mt. In the given month, operational and trading figures in the railway product and pipe segments naturally declined due to seasonality effects as compared to the previous month.
In the meantime, in January the company’s output of pipe products rose by 129.5 percent year on year and decreased by 16.5 percent to 52,700 mt, while its sales of pipes increased by 53.2 percent year on year and fell by 45.5 percent to 43,000 mt in the given period. In particular, the output of seamless pipes totaled 45,700 mt, rising by 108.0 percent year on year, while the company’s output of welded pipes in the given period increased by 625.4 percent year on year to 6,900 mt. In the given month, Interpipe’s output of railway products decreased by 13.7 percent year on year to 13,800 mt.